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Why Positive Discipline?

With so many choices, it’s sometimes difficult for parents to choose a model that’s best for their families.  So how do you know if Positive Discipline is right for you?

What’s your parenting style?

PD is different than traditional parenting approaches–even those that are labeled as “positive” approaches.  Our program is built on an authoritative parenting approach that teaches parents to model mutually respectful, kind and firm, and cooperative relationships with their children.


Authoritative parenting in action

If you’re new to learning about parenting styles, here’s what authoritative parenting looks like:

  • child-centered with parents listening closely to and interacting with their children

  • appropriate understanding of abilities and behaviors of children at different ages

  • structured with limit setting, mutual accountability, and follow-through

  • respectful and encouraging through open, nonviolent communication and curiosity


PD’s use of the authoritative parenting approach instills in children an inner locus of control that leads to children exercising good judgment, practicing good values, and making good choices for their own right reasons, even when there is no one there watching!      

What about punishment and rewards?

We understand that many parents have been taught to reward children for good behaviors and punish them for undesirable behaviors, both of which seem to work sometimes!  It’s important to keep in mind, however, that punishments constantly have to get bigger and worse to discourage misbehavior, and rewards constantly have to get bigger and better to encourage good behavior.   Both fail to teach children the benefit of making good choices for their own right reasons.  Moreover, punishment is especially damaging to relationships with its negative long-term effects (resentment, rebellion, revenge and retreat).  In Positive Discipline, the authoritative approach helps parents to model respectful relationships. These relationships naturally motivate children to cooperate and make positive contributions to their families and communities.  Where did we ever get the idea that in order for children to do better, first we have to make them feel worse?  Children do better when they feel better – we all do!


The Positive Discipline Way: Connection Before Correction

At PDCR, we believe not only that positive relationships not only take precedence over behaviors, but influence behaviors.  As such, we teach the importance of discovering the beliefs behind behaviors and using connection before correction


Ready to get started?

Whether you’re interested in taking a class, going to a play group or just getting some good ideas from our parenting tip sheets, Positive Discipline has you covered!  Take a look at our upcoming and ongoing activities below:


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