Restorative Justice
Restorative justice places emphasis on repairing the harm that crimes cause to victims, community members, and offenders themselves. Supporting parents as they go through and transition out of the criminal justice system helps restore relationships and creates safe places for children and parents to grow together and thrive.
Post incarceration, Positive Discipline graduates benefit from greater understanding of how to rebuild damaged family bonds, model more positive behaviors for their children, and to contribute to their communities. Participants have new hope their lives will be fundamentally different, and they demonstrate for their children that we can all learn and recover from the mistakes we make.
Currently, PDCR provides classes in local jails as well as in Juvenile Hall. The rates of recidivism (defined as re-offending within 3 years), is at 65% in California, but with 60% in overall in Santa Cruz County and only 35% for those who have taken Positive Discipline classes in local jail settings. This dramatic reduction is being observed and studied by other jurisdictions and speaks to the critical importance of wrap-around services that address people’s needs in whole.
PD Research and Restorative Justice
Restorative justice focuses on accountability, making amends, and rebuilding relationships. The intersection of Positive Discipline and restorative justice puts families at the heart of the healing process, which above all else, results in the creation of safer and more connected home environments for children.
Partner with Us!
Combining restorative justice and Positive Discipline approaches can have transformational outcomes for individuals, families, and the greater community. We wholeheartedly believe in this work and would love to hear from other organizations that support parents transitioning back into their communities after incarceration.
If you’re interested in partnering, we’d love to hear from you! Email us at or call (831) 476-7284 x107
Tip Sheets
(Coming soon Navigating Loss)
Returning to School
Regresando a la Escuela
Rethink Thanksgiving
Reanalizar el Día De Acción De Gracias